In 2023 the Office for Open Research at the University of Manchester awarded Alex Henderson a fellowship to develop the FAIRSpectra initiative. This programme of work has two main activities: to develop an open file format for hyperspectral data produced by vibrational spectroscopies and mass spectrometries, and to explore the metadata requirements for sharing such data. Following the concept of the FAIR Guiding Principles this would fall into the Interoperability and Reusability categories.

FAIRSpectra’s aim is to open a discussion about what the chemical analysis field requires in terms of file format support, and specifically the imaging modalities of spectroscopy and spectrometry. As such we invite all interested parties to get involved, share expertise, and become part of the solution.


Email Alex Henderson at, or consider joining our discussion platform here:


Acknowledgements and credits

We are grateful for financial support from:

In-kind support includes SIMS Europe, UKSAF, and SpringSciX for conference exhibition space.

Website template: Beautiful Jekyll by Dean Attali
Logo: Frequency icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon
Discussion platform: Free upgrade from Zulip